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Natural Number
Greater than 0 and no decimal or fraction attached.
Whole Number
All natural numbers and 0.
Positive and negative natural numbers and 0. All are either even (divisible by 2), or odd (not divisible by 2).
Rational Number
Can be represented as a fraction. Any decimal must terminate or resolve in a repeating number.
Irrational Number
CANNOT be represented as a fraction. An irrational decimal never ends and never resolves in a repeating pattern.
Real Number
Can be represented by a point on a number line. Includes both rational and irrational numbers.
Imaginary Number
Includes the unit "i", where i=square root of -1. because i squared = -1, these numbers produce a negative value when squared.
Complex Number
Comes in the form a + bi where a and b are real numbers. All Imaginary numbers are also complex.
All the numbers that can multiply together to make a number.
Prime Number
Divisible only by itself and 1.
Composite Number
Has more than 2 factors.
Prime Factorization
Every composite number can be written as a unique product of prime numbers. ex: 90, 90 = 2 x 3 squared x 5
Absolute Value
The distance of a number from 0. Since distance is always positive, this value is always positive. Represented by IaIl-2l = 2
1 yard =
0.914 meters
1 inch =
2.54 centimeters