Answer Following Child Development and Early Learning Flashcards

155 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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In the early and mid-twentieth century, changes in societal attitudes toward children and their development...
Supported the passage of the Social Security Act.
All of the following statements support the notion that nature and nurture work together except A> infants who do not have adequate exposure to language have great difficulty acquiring language, even though they show initial signs of the ability to learn.B> all infants who inherit a gene for a disease develop that disease, regardless of differences in their nutrition and caregiving experience.C> exposure to alcohol during the prenatal period can alter the normal course of the brain’s development.D> children’s biological characteristics have an impact on the responses they elicit from parents and other caregivers.
B> all infants who inherit a gene for a disease develop that disease, regardless of differences in their nutrition and caregiving experience.
In the early nineteenth century United States, the widely held belief that children as young as 18 months could and should be educated was known as the...
Infant school movement
For Puritans in the New World, which statement appears to reflect their views about infants?
“They are innocent vipers, ignorant but inherently sinful.”
As an increasingly romantic view of childhood emerged in the United States during the nineteenth century...
Mothers’ role as moral guardian was emphasized.
James Mark Baldwin’s inclusion of research on animals in his studies of the development of human infants’ hand preference reflected...
The influence of theories of evolution on studies of human behavior and development
In ancient Greece and Rome, the concept of citizenship included...
Producing healthy offspring to serve the state
All of the following are reasons cited in the text to study infants except ...A. the effects of adversity that occurs before the age of three are less permanent than adversity that occurs at later ages.B. the first three years are a time of significant transformation in every developmental domain.C. more research tools and information are available to guide inquiry than at any previous time.D. there is heightened interest in interdisciplinary collaboration.
A. the effects of adversity that occurs before the age of three are less permanent than adversity that occurs at later ages.
In medieval Europe, a new form of infant abandonment was introduced, in which an infant or very young child was permanently “donated” to a monastery. This practice was known as...
All of the following were themes of development discussed in the text except...A. the role of heredity and the environment.B. contributions of nature versus nurture.C. whether development is stagewise or continuous.D. whether development is a closed or open system
D. whether development is a closed or open system
Which pioneer in child development is most likely to have uttered this statement? “The best thing that parents can do is to follow their child’s own natural impulses and rich imagination.”
John B. WatsonG. Stanley HallSigmund FreudArnold Gesell (wrong)
Which of the following best reflects current thinking about the influence of the environment on infants’ development?
Environmental influences can be both direct and indirect, involving environments in which infants never spend any time.
As the discipline of child development emerged in the United States during the twentieth century...
Child research institutes were established at a number of prominent universities.
Which of these pioneers in child development minimized the importance of innate biological factors and maturation while asserting a primary role for experience?
John B. Watson and Luther Emmett Holt
Which person first became aware of child psychology while studying in Germany and has been described as having done more than any other founder to develop child psychology?
G. Stanley Hall