Sexuality and Nursing

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23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 207

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Encompasses total being and includes all dimensions
Sexual Health
Freedom from physical and psychosocial impairment, the awareness of open positive attitudes towards sexual functioning, and accurate knowledge about sexuality
When studying sexuality, nurses need to be...
Relaxed and state information in a matter-of-fact manner, and knowledgeable about sexual functioning
Components of Sexuality
Biological Identity Sexual Identity Gender Identity Sexual Role Behavior Culture
Sexual Development: Infancy/Early Childhood
Gender Identity
Sexual Development: School Age
Children have many questions, and need accurate info at this time
Sexual Development: Puberty/Adolescense
Teens go through many emotional and physical changes and explore their sexuality
Sexual Development: Young Adult
Intimacy and Sexuality
Sexual Development: Middle Adult
People go through social and emotional changes and aging
Sexual Development: Older Adult
Retain sexual interest but may be limited due to health concerns or life situation
Sexual Orientation
The predominant gender preference of a person’s sexual attraction
Interest in opposite sex
Interest in the same sex; 10% of population
Sexual desire towards both sexes; 20% of population
Strongly identifies with the opposite sex and may seek to live as a member of that sex