ServSafe Chapter 1 Flashcards

​Learn, study, and revise SERVSAFE Chapter 1 with our flashcards quizzes. The study, learn, and revise SERVSAFE Chapter 1 with our quiz based flashcards. This flashcard is simple and easy to use and is more fun-oriented.

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 207

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Foodborne Illness
A disease carried or transmitted to people by food
Foodborne-illness Outbreak
An iciedent in which two or more people get the same illness after eating the same food.
Warrenty of Sale
The rules of how the food must be handled
Reasonable Care of Defense
Defense against food related lawsuits stating that an establishment did everything they could to ensure their food was safe
Immune System
Bodys defense system againt illness
Presence of harmful substances in food. Some occur naturally while others occur through humans or the environment
Biological Contaminates
Illness-causing microorganisms aka Viruses, Toxins, Parasites and Fungi Found in contaminated seafood, plants and mushrooms
Time-Temperature Abuse
Anytime food has been allowed to remain too long at temps that favor growth of foodborne microorganisms
Occures when microorganisms are transfered from one surface of food to another
Personal Hygiene
Habits that keep hands, body and hair clean -can offend customers, cause illness, and contaminate food and food surfaces
Chemical Hazards
Substances that contaminate food such as cleaners, sanitizers, polishes, lubes, and toxic metals
Physical Hazards
Forgein objects that accidentally get into food EX Hair, dirt, bandages, metal staples and broken glass
Populations at risk for foodborne illness
-Infants/Preschoolers -Pregnant Women -Elderly People -Those with compromised immune systems --Cancer/on cemo --HIV/AIDS --Transplant recipiants
What can foodborne illness cost an establishment?
-Loss of sales/customers -loss of reputation -lowered employee morale -negative media exposure -employee absenteeism -increased insurance premiums -staff retraining
Uniform Commerical Code means that a plaintiff must have what to prove a foodborne illness?
-The food was unfit to be served -The food caused the plaintiff harm -By serving the food the establishment violated the warrenty of sale (rules how food must be handled)