Sensation and Perception Olfactory and Gustatory and Somatosensory Systems

Key terms and comcepts for the final exam in sensation and perception.  how exciting!!

58 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The outermost layer of the epidermis
Stratum corneum
Semi-permeable outer layer of the skin, part of cutis
Part of the cutis, where hair roots and sweat glands reside
Fatty or adipose tissue layer which holds large blood vessels and nerves. attached to muscle and bones with connective tissue
Subcutaneous fat layer
Skin part of the nervous system filled with mechanical receptors that respond to physical distortion and provide information about the environment
Somatosensory receptors
Information enters the dorsal roots, passes through the ganglion, into the spinal cord and to the thalamus and the parietal lobe. relays information about pain, temperature, itch, and crude touch
Spinothalamic pathway
Relays information about light touch, vibration, and conscious information
Lemniscal pathway
Create impulses controlling movement
Motor cortex
Map of sensory space in its location
Small nerve fibers are stimulated. the projection neurons are stimulated and the inhibitory interneurons are blocked
Large nerve fibers are activated. projection neurons are activated and the inhibitory interneurons are as well, blocking the projection neuron signals.
No pain
Creates the perception of pain when stimulated by potentially damaging stimuli.
Disorder which affects the development and survival of sensory neurons. results in inability to produce tears, poor growth, trouble swallowing, insensitivity to pain.
Familial dysautonomia, riley day syndrome
The phenomenon of pain perceived at a site adjacent to an injury, such as chest pain during a heart attack
Referred pain
Glands that secrete SEBUM or an oily waxy substance to lubricate mammal skin and hair
Sebaceous glands