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Simptomul Symptom
Este o manifestare a bolii relatate de pacient in cursul anamnezei, ce are un caracter subectiv si care este depedent de o serie de factori (perceptie, cultura, nivel intelectual)Poate fi:
Simptomatologia Symptomatology
Reprezinta totalitatea simptomelor unei boli. Represents the totality of symptoms of a disease
Semnul Sign
Este o manifestare obectiva a bolii, pe care examinatorul o evidentiaza in cadrul examenului clinic prin propriile simturi.(icter, paloare) An objective indication of a dis- ease or disorder (for example, jaundice) that is observed or detected by a doctor, as opposed to a symptom (for example, pain), which is noticed by the patient.
Sindromul Syndrome
Complex de simptome si semne care exprima o stare ce poate fi legata de diferite boli si afectiuni si nu de o anumita boala, dar care are un mecanism fiziopatologic comun-unitar.(sindrom icteric, sindrom febril) A group of symptoms and/or signs that, occurring together, consti- tutes a particular disorder.
Componentele anamnezei Anamnesis Components