SCM Final

102 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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is any activity that takes an input add value to it, and provides an output to an internal or external customer.
Process tie to SCM
key to franchising (cut and paste business)
Characteritics to Good Process
Goals Stakeholders Define values Systematic parameters Define Success Efficient and effective Always strive for reproducible results: Documentation
Easily understood Training and hiring Scale and capacity issues Adaptable Process takes into account all possible outcomes/variables
Primary Considerations for Business Process
value defined by customer, corporate consideration, operational concerns, additional stakeholders- Bigger picture
Steps to building good process
1. Set objectives- goals, values, stakeholders 2. Block diagram- in chain of processes, where the particular process 3. Scope 4. Define the services 5. Consider performance metric –management considerations 6. Primary step detailed 7. Develop a process map/flow chart 8. Evaluation and testing
Difference between process & block
The difference between a process map and a block diagram are a chain of processes where is this particular process while a process map build a detail plan, find areas of weakness, opportunity, ambiguity
define process requirements and boundaries.
Scope Inflation
is when work goes beyond the minimum required to get the job done.
Importance of Metrics
the set objectives and define values, create a service design, and help the business measure success, failure, and managing tools.
Importane of numbers
because they show what they metrics mean.
Clothing Catalog Example
You work for the Catalog taking department, and that is your primary process. You will need e.g. Inventory information, customer information, capital & hardware, trucking information. After you have gathered these information and performed your primary process, who cares about it? E.g. Suppliers, purchasing, DC managers, Pickers/Packers, Labeling, Trucking, Marketing, Accounting. The idea is that companies and its operations are built on processes. You can have the best people taking orders but everybody needs to be good after / before them.
Goal of good process maps
the most important thing when develop a process map is making it easy to understand, useful and treat them like a communication device.
Flow Chart Symbols
Diamond-decision point where multiple paths possible
Arrow-direction of flow
Rectangle with lines-entire process
Difference between functional flow chart and basic
Each section of flow chart showed how each process will affect the next person’s job. Whereas a basic flow chart just shows the chain of processes and where a particular process is.
Benefits of flow chart
you can hand it over to others and have them give perspectives from all angles