How Well Can You Answer These Environmental Science Questions Flashcards

Chapter 4

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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Air, water and rocks
Abiotic factors
Living orgnisms and dead organisms
Biotic factors
Place where an organisms lives
Black widow spiders
All the black widow spiders in a certain area
Which investerbrates are generally small, allowing them to live on little food and to hide from enemies
Which of the fllowing are vertebrates
Which of the following are conisdered lower plants
Ferns nd mosses
Natural selection is the unequal survival that results from the presence or absence of
Particular traints
Which of the following kingdoms include algae?
Single celled organisms with cell wals but no nuclei are
Which of the following is part of an organism habitat?
Shelter, food and water
Some snakes produce a powerful venom that paralyzes their prey. This poison is an example of
An adaptation
Which of the following is not an ecosystem?
Utility pole
The energy is most ecosystems comes from
The sun