Science Weather Test Flashcards

How well can do you know about Science Weather? Learn key terms, formulas, and much more related to Science Weather with our flashcards quizzes with ease. ​  

53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Lines connecting points of equal temperature
Lines connecting points of equal pressure
Boundary formed between two colliding air masses
Present state of the atmosphere
Large body of air with the same properties as the surface over which it develops
Air mass
Amount of moisture in air compared to amount needed for saturation at a given temperature
Relative humidity
Weather info collected by meteorologists at specific locations
Station model
Temperature at which air is saturated and condensation begins
Dew point
Great masses of air molecules pushing down from above
Air pressure
Millions of drops of water suspended in the sky
Cloud that forms near the ground
What type of cloud forms fog?
Nimbo stratus cloud
Brings long, steady rain
Air holding all the moisture it can at a particular temperature
What causes weather to change?
Air masses with different pressure and moisture meet and make the weather different