Science Chapter 16 Transfer of Sound Energy Through Vibration

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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Sound are produced from
Frequency refers to
Amount of vibration in one second (Hertz-Hz) It determines how low or high a note is (known as pitch)
Loudness refers to
The size of vibrations in one second (decibels- dB) . This is produced depending on the energy involved.
Sound can only travel through
A medium (solid,liquid,gases)
Speed of sound depends on
The density of material. Sound in solids travel fastest than sound in liquid and gases (with gases being the slowest.)
High Pitch
High Frequency
Larger vibrations
Louder the sound
Echo is
Reflected sound waves
Echolocation refers to
The use of echo to find objects and determine distances. (releases a sound and measures the time taken for it to come back) (distance accounted twice-divided by two)
Structure of ear
Outer Ear: PinnaMiddle Ear: Ear Canal EardrumInner Ear: Auditory Nerve