Science and The Modern World Exam Test 3

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Approximately how many parts per million of the atomsphere were CO2 in the mid 1950s.
Approximately how many parts per million of the atomsphere were CO2 in the late 1990s.
How do atomspheres and climates of venus and mars compare with the Earths
1. Mars' atmosphere is 100x thinner than Earth's 2. Mars' surface temperature is -50 degrees celcius 3. Venus's atmosphere is desner and has 96% CO2 4. Venus' average surface temp is 460 degrees celcius.
Why is porblmatic to attribute global warming to "natural causes"
It doesn't explain anything. It seems lacking in content. More CO2, the hotter the atmosphere.
Which has greater warming potential-methane, CO2 or CFC-12?
What is the main complication is evaluating the effect of cloud coverage on climate patterns
Clouds reflect solar radiation back into space and absorb infrared radiation and clouds have both a warming and cooling affect so you dont know what balance there will be
By what percentage has the atomosphere CO2 levels increased since 1750
What are two most significant ways in which human acitivity produces CO2 emissions
Fossil fuels and land use
What is the biggest health concern associated with global warming
Access to fresh water
What increase in average global temperatures are predicted by 2007 IPPC report for the next century
The temperatures will rise between 1.1 degrees celcius and 6.4 degrees celcius.
Three countries did not enter the Kyoto Protocol which ones?
US, China, India
Why were many countries excused from the Kyoto Protocol
You can't improve quality of life if their restraints on greehouse gas emissions. Economic growth is stunted.
Describe the main differences between the predictions of the 1970s that the world was getting cooler abd current predictions that things are getting warmer
· A small number of climate scientists made this claim = there are thousands of climate scientists now · Science was very different then
What two important inequalities that arise within the ethical discussions of climate change
· We are responsible for the environment but were are not responsible/good inhabitants · Subsequent generations will inherent problems even though they did not create them · International inequalityàcountries who suffer the most of climate change although they are least responsible such as developing countries
How is manufacturing controversy a helpful strategy for those who dont like some particular conclusion
It inflates the level of public uncertainty surrounding an otherwise well-established scientific opinion