Science and The Modern World Exam 3

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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How did Fourier explain the fact that the Earth doesn’t keep getting hotter and hotter?
· Suggested the Earth emits energy back into space (infrared radiation) · He calculated the balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing infrared radiation should leave the Earth much colder · thus he suggested the Earth’s atmosphere affected its temperature by preventing some infrared from escaping
How would the Earth’s climate be different if all atmospheric gases were transparent to all infrared radiation?
All infrared radiation would escape the atmosphere and the Earth would be much colder.
Why was John Tyndall interested in the affects of atmospheric composition on global climates?
He thought it might help him understand why the Ice ages began and ended
The estimates of Arrhenius and Hogbom, concerning human affects on the climate, included two important assumptions, understandable but mistaken. What were these assumptions?
1. Having atmospheric CO2 would reduce global temperatures by 8 degrees f. 2. Were such drastic changes in atmospheric composition even possible?
Whose work in the 1950s challenged previous ideas about the CO2 absorption rate of the oceans?
Roger Revelle
What did Gilbert Plass establish in the 1950s that was relevant to the science of global warming?
Higher levels of atmospheric Co2 would absorb more radiation.
What does the Keeling curve measure?
Atomspheric CO2
The amount of C14 decreasing over time
Suess effect
Whose theory related to ice ages to the variations in the earths orbit
Mitchshoviv thoery
_______ and ___ are transparent to infarered radiation
CO2 and nitrogen
Which two locations were selected for a project to measure atmospheric CO2?
Hawaii and anartica
What do you consider some of the most significant evidence of recent unusual climate change?
13 of the 14 hottest years were recorded from 1997 to 2010. since the 1850s global averages have risen .76 degrees celsius and .35 over the last 25 years
Scientists use air bubbles from ice cores to measure and infer what?
Can give you information on how the atmosphere was when that ice was formed. You are able to tell how cold the ice was when it formed.
Why are CO2 emissions the most signficant of any greenhouse gas?
More of it than anything else
What is a manufacured controversy
· 1. Evidence of a non-scientific motivation · 2. Public or professional spehere · 3. Spends more time trying to undermine the main view