Science Exam 24 Module 1A Flashcards

Here is the set related to the Science Exam 24 Module 1A in the form of flashcards. Learn about the GCSE Science B1 Part 1 with the help of the flashcards method.

47 cards   |   Total Attempts: 333

Cards In This Set

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How has chemistry and technology helped farming over the years?
-Chemical pesticides and fertilizers help produce higher yeilds,
  • Automatic barn cleaners and feeders are used
  • Large tractors and cultivators allow one person to do the work of many.
Which substance was used in making soap 100 years ago?
Which synthetic fibre is used to produce waterproof and windproof clothing?
What are examples of synthetic fibres?
A: Gore-Tex, Polyester, Kevlar, Bamboo, Spandex.
What are examples of natural fibres?
Linen, Cotton, Silk, Wool, Cashmere, Canvas.
What is a polymer?
A molecule that is made up of many smell, identical sub-molecules.
Examples of natural polymers are:
Starch, Cellulose, Proteins, Nucleic Acids (RNA & DNA), Natural Rubber
Examples of synthetic polymers and their uses are:
A: Polycarbonate – Used to make modern eyeglasses.
Polystyrene – Used to make Styrofoam cups and insulation.
Polyethylene – Used to make plastic bags, and film wraps.
An alloy is...:
A partial or complete solution of one or more elements in a metallic mix.
The household product responsible for making bread rise is:
What is the alloy mostly used for making kitchen utensils?
Stainless Steel
What does chemical reaction does a drain cleaner have when it breaks down the protein in a clogged sink?
Furniture polish can be made by mixing what two substances?
Lemon juice and mineral oil.
What does hydrogen peroxide turn into when poured on a cut?
Water and oxygen.
What two elements react to produce hydrogen gas?
Acids react with aluminum