Science 10 Chapter 2

Bc science 10 textbook

44 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Define: biomass
The total mass of living plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria in a given area
Define: energy flow
Flow of energy from an ecosystem to an organism and from an organism to another
What are the producers of the food chain?
Plants, they "produce" food in the frorm of carbohydrates during photosynthesis
Define: consumer
An organism that feeds on a producer
Breaking down or organic wastes and dead organisms
Action of living organisms such as bacteria to break down dead organic matter
Change wastes and dead organisms into usable nutrients
Food chains
Models that show the flow of energy from plant to animal and from animal to animal
Trophic level
Each step in a food chain
Food chain trophic levels
Primary producers (phytoplankton, plants) primary consumers (grasshoppers and zooplankton) secondary consumers (frogs and crabs) tertiary consumers (hawks and sea otters)
Detrivores - define + which trophic level?
Consumers that obtain their energy and nutrients by eating the bodies of sall dead animals, dead plant matter, and animal wastes, they feed at every trophic level
Herbivores - which trophic level + define
Animals that only eat plants (they are primary consumers)
Carnivores - which trophic level + define
Secondary consumers that eat primary consumers
Define: food webs
Models of the feeding relationships within an ecosystem
Between 80-90% of the food energy taken in by organisms is used for
Chemical reactions in the body and eventually is lost to the ecosystem as heat