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Ionian Mode
Begins on Tonic of Major Scale.
Dorian Mode
Begins on the 2nd scale degree of a Major Scale.Major Scale with flat 3rd and flat 7th.
Phrygian Mode
Begins on the 3rd scale degree of a Major Scale.Major Scale with a flat 2, 3, 6 and 7.
Lydian Mode
Begins on the 4th scale degree of a Major Scale.Major Scale with a sharp 4.
Mixolydian Mode
Begins on the 5th scale degree of a Major Scale.Major Scale with a flat 7th.
Aeolian Mode
Begins on the 6th scale degree of a Major Scale.Major Scale with a flat 3, 6 and 7.Also called Natural Minor Scale.
Locrian Mode
Begins on the 7th scale degree of a Major Scale.Major Scale with a flat 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.