Sales Management Relationship Selling Final Exam Preparation Siena College

These flashcards are in preparation for a Sales Managment College course examination.  They are based on notes take from a lecture.

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
1. 3 issues considered when determining sales training needs
• Who should be trained?
• What should be the primary emphasis in the training program?
• How should the training process be structured?
2. Objectives of sales training programs
• Improve customer relationships
• Increase productivity
• Improve morale
• Lower turnover
• Improve selling skills

The order of importance of these objectives is based on each company and the situation they face at that specific time
3. Stages of Developing a Sales Training program
• Analyze needs
• Determine objectives
• Develop and implement the program
• Evaluate and review the program
• Analyze needs
I. Where is training needed?
ii. What content should be in the training?
iii. Who needs the training?
• Determine objectives
I. Specific
ii. Realistic
iii. Measurable
iv. Simple
• Develop and implement the program
I. Inside the company vs. outside the company
• Evaluate and review the program
I. What to measure
ii. When to measure
iii. How to measure the training
4. Sales training methods
• On-the-job training (OJT)
• Internet (online
• Classroom training
• Role Playing
• On-the-job training (OJT)
Learn by doing
Training Needs (from “Business Systems”)
• Time management
• Selling technique
• Prospecting
• Product knowledge
• Legal issues
Cost savings
Classroom training
I. Interaction +
ii. Time and $ -
Role playing
Develop selling skills
Long-term value (LTV) increases when customer relations are improved
With Sales Training…
• Sell to more people
• Sell more frequently
• Sell larger amounts / quantity
• Decrease turnover (because morale has improved)
• Increased efficiency (time is $)
Do this to build strengths in salespeople
*Need trust for role-playing to be effective → builds relationships (networking)
5. Major Roadblocks to Successful Training Programs
• Training can’t solve the problem
• You’re busy, jaded sales people are not open to learning new skills
• Managers don’t support the training program
• Conflicting methods and philosophies are taught at different sessions
• The training isn’t relevant to the company’s pressing needs
• The training format doesn’t fit the need
• E-learning is over used or used in the wrong situations
• There’s no follow-up after training
• The trainer can’t relate to the sales team