RPL Ground Theory

A general overview of the questions ask during an oral RPL exam.

43 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What is an ARFOR?
Area Forecast. A general synoptic overview of the meteorological conditions expected to prevail in the chosen region.
What is the Size, Altitude and Validity of an ARFOR?
The Size varies depending on the particular Area. The altitude covered in an ARFOR goes up to FL200 (20000ft AMSL). ARFORS are valid for usually no less than 9 hour and no greater than 15 (Average validity period is 12 hours).
What is a TAF?
Terminal Area Forecast. A weather forecast for a particular aerdrome.
What is the validity, size and altitude of a TAF?
TAF's are generally issued every 6 hours and are valid for approximitaly 24-30 hour periods. TAF's cover approximately 5 statute miles from the centre of the aerodrome/runway complex. TAF's cover an altitude of 5000ft AGL.
What is a METAR?
Issued at fixed times, hourly or half hourly, usually by observation of the weather at an aerdrome or an automated weather station at a particular aerodrome.
What is a SPECI?
  1. SPECI is an aviation special weather report issued when there is significant deterioration or improvement in airport weather conditions, such as significant changes of surface winds, visibility, cloud base height and occurrence of severe weather.
What criteria allow for a SPECI to be issued?
BKN or OVC cloud below an aerodromes highest minimum cloud base or below 1500ft (whichever is higher).When visibility is below 5000m When wind speed changes by 10kts or more or is gusting to 10-15kts.Whenever the following begins, ends or changes in intensity; Thunderstorms, hail,snow, rain, drifting snow, duststorm, squall, fog, sandstorm. When the QNH setting changes by 2 or more (rapidly) or the temperature changes by 5 degrees or more (rapidly)
What is a TTF?
Trend Type Forecast. Supersedes a TAF and is valid for 3 hours. Generally indicates a METAR or SPECI (observation by an authorised personnel at the particular aerodrome.
What is the definition of CAVOK?
CAVOK is an abbreviation for Ceiling And Visibility OKay, indicating no cloud below 5,000 ft (1,500 m) or the highest minimum sector altitude and no cumulonimbus or towering cumulus at any level, a visibility of 10 km (6 mi) or more and no significant weather change. = indicates the end of the METAR
What is a NOTAM?
A Notice to Airmen (NOTAM or NoTAM) is a notice filed with an aviation authority to alert aircraft pilots of potential hazards along a flight route or at a location that could affect the safety of the flight
How is an aircrafts 100 hourly recorded on a Maintenance Release (MR)?
By establishing the total time using the AIRSWITCH (Time spent above 40kts).
What is listed in the endorsement section below the aircraft hours flown?
Aircraft malfunctions or problems discovered by the PIC or Maintenance. The day of the malfunction or problem being sighted is dated and signed by the particular PIC or maintenance engineer.
What are the required documents for a flight?
Maintenance release, licenses (includes ASIC), medical certificates and flight manual for the aircraft, ERSA, current maps and charts.
What is the PIC passenger carry recency requirement?
You must have had at least 3 Take off and 3 Landings within 90 days in order to take passengers up.
What age are children considered to be children?
3-13 Years old.