Roller Derby

WFTDA Roller Derby Rules

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What is the maximum number of bench-marked players can a team have?
What is the maximum number of skaters that may be on a roster for a game?
Can leagues rotate their game roster from their team roster between games?
During a tournament can leagues substitute alternates from their team roster?
If a skater is pulled from the tournament and replaced with an alternate can she re-enter the tournament in a subsequent game?
What are acceptable surfaces for roller derby?
Polished or painted concrete, wood, or game court floors.
Track boundaries must be marked by a raised boundary of what width and height?
1 quarter inch and no more than two inches in height. At least one inch to 3 inched in width.
Who can be in designated team areas?
Skaters on the roster for that game and up to two support staff.
Hand Signal for Team Timeout
A "T" is made with both hands held perpendicular with palms open
Hand signal for Official Timeout
Both Hands touch the top of their respective shoulder
Hand signal for Lead Jammer?
The right arm is extended with the index finger pointing towards the lead jammer, while the left arm is held straight up in the air with the hand making the "L" shape with the index finger and thumb. This is held until the Jammer reacher the engagement zone on her first scoring pass. Throughout the duration that the Jammer retains Lead Jammer status. The right arm is extended with the index finger pointing towards the Lead Jammer.
Hand signal for Not Lead Jammer
Arms are waved in front of the body back and forth. This is repeated until the Jammer reaches the Engagement Zone on her first scoring pass.
Hand Signal for Pack is here
Both arms are extended with palms open and facing inward. The forward palm should indicate the front of the pack, while the back palm indicates the back of the pack.
Hand signal for No Pack
Both arms are raised so that the forearms are vertical with palms open and facing one another
Hand signal Blocking to the Back
Arms are initially forward and bent at a 90-degree angle. They are then extended forward until straight out in front of the body.