Define the Polyrhythm Music in Traditional African Music Forms Flashcards

Review material for the second exam in John Costas history class

232 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Define four characteristics of traditional west african music
Polyrhythmic groove: 3 drums, 3 players
call and response: soloist sings melody, group responds
hand clapping
rhythmic heirarchy: intensity of rhythmic activity differs
What was the role of Yoruban polyrhythmic music
Mediated social discourse between deity and celebrant
What were the BATA drums
Answer 3
3 pair of traditional Yoruban drums
What did the different sized bata rums represent
Large - Iya - Father
medium - otuele - mother
small - okonkolo - child
Which island became the first filtering unit of west african polyrhythmic music
What did the filtering of west african music through cuba change west african music
Drums were replaced by western instruments
How did the concept of outer form enter into african-derived polyrhythmic music
It was an innovation of the filtering process
Instead of voices in the response portion of call and response of african music, what did this filtering incorporate
Instrumental response to voices
What type of repetetive bass pattern was used and what instrument replaced the drums
2-4 note repetetive form replaced by a double bass
What was the important new genre of western polyrhythimic music
What was the signifigance of the Ring Shout
1st body of traditional african music
What are for properties of the ring shout
Counter-clockwise circle
call and response vocals
hand clapping
feet stomping
What was the first body of African American music to be appreciated by post-civil war white america
The spiritual
What are four properties of the spiritual
Religious texts
melodic derived from w. african tradition
call and response
european influence
From where did the spiritual emerge?
Rural commiunities and plantations