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Newer companies
Enter the marketplace at the growth stage of the retail lifecycle.
Progressive firms
Expand their geographic bases of operations
Advantage of scrambled merchandise for the consumer?
One stop shopping.
Destination retailer?
Low prices
superb customer service
specialized products
large selection
Primary data/research
Generated through :
adv: methodology is conducted for current
concern : takes time to develop/implement
Internal secondary data
sales figures
inventory records
primary company research
concern: it may be misleading if it focuses on one time period
Secondary data
Has already been gathered for purposes other than the problem
adv: immediate availability
Issue (problem) definition stage of the marketing research process?
Seeks to describe the research question
Marketing research
Collection & analysis of info relating to specific issue or problem facing the retailer.
Universal product code (UPC)
System allowing retailers to store and monitor sales data on an item by item basis.
Data-base management
store info related to specific subject area
Reduce potential cognitive dissonance
Retailers should offer a money back guarantee
Cues in the evaluation of alternatives stage of the consumer decision
Store name, brand name, price
if consumer percieves the product as important the purchase has a high degree of percieved risk.
Easily identifiable and measurable population statistics
Manner in which an individual or families live, spend time, and money.
difficult to measure.