Renal Failure

Renal Failure

93 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Acute Renal Failure
Sudden loss of renal function that may be reversible
Causes of acute renal failure
Illness, injury, or toxin that stresses the kidneys.
Classifications of acute renal failure
Prerenal, intrarenal and postrenal depending on the location of the illness in relation to the kidneys
Prerenal failure
Result of insufficient blood flow into the kidneys caused by shock, trauma, severe dehydration or cardiac disease
Intrarenal failure
Result of direct toxic or traumatic injury to the kidney
Postrenal failure
Results when an obstrucction from the lower urinary system causes backup of urine, which injures the kidneys
Chronic Renal Failure
Long, usually slow process that involves a progressive loss of nephrons (loss of more than 75% of nephrons in each kidney to cause obvious illness)
Chronic renal failure to ESRD
May take many years to progress from chronic renal failure to ESRD
Characterizatons of Chronic Renal Failure
Proteinuria, Nocturia, Hypertension, Sodium retention, Anemia, Dyspnea, Uremic symptoms, Nausea and vomiting
Leaking of protein through the glomeruli in to the renal tubules, and then into the urine
Night time urination due to loss of the ability to concentrate the urine
High blood pressure
Sodium retention
Leading to edema, or water retention/swelling
A shortage of red blood cells
Difficulty breathing