Rel 234 Test Two Class Notes

Rel 234's second test. Notes from class

43 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Sacred enduring promise between god and man (god sets terms, requirements and blessing) - each law of god represents a covenant - possible specific blessings, increase power, capacity and happiness
Lord bless us and punish us less than justice
However and therefore
However-puts condition, commitment partial, does against what they know and believe, breaks and makes excuses. therefore-finds way to keep, does what they believe, has ability and intention to keep
Baptism and temple
Baptism is first covenant made in mortality. covenant of salvation - gate to celestial kingdom. temple covenant of exaltation, baptism is essential for exaltation but never by itself open gate of exaltation.
(can live by three covenants : sacrament, tithing and temple - everything will take care of itself)
Abrahamic covenant
1. promised through his seed all nations of earth will be blessed 2. him and his seed charged to minister covenants and its blessings to all mankind (Savior came through Abraham's lineage)
Abrahamic covenant's main blessings
(need sealing in temple) promised land - inheritance in celestial kingdom (possible by baptism), priesthood - all blessings of Melchizedek and posterity - blessings of sealing children to parents and eternal increase(having spirit offspring throughout eternity)
Elder Bruce R Mcconkie - most important things member does in church 2
Marry right person, in the right place by the right authority 2. keep his covenants
Who abide not the covenant of marriage because they reject it can be done in 3 ways
Choosing to never marry of failing to make it priority (cohabitation), marrying civilly and choosing to never be sealed in teple, sealed in temple but failing to keep temple covenants
3 conditions of marriage/exaltation
Marriage must be "made and entered into" (in temple by sealing power and covenants kept), sealed by holy spirit of promise (holy ghost)-enter worthy and remain faithful to terms of covenant, include savior and his atonement in marriage (exaltation no possible without)
If meed conditions (another slide) promises are:
Marriage, sealing and names as couple written in Lamb's book of life -heavenly record of those inherit eternal life), gain exaltation and become gods, have the blessing of eternal increase, or blessing of spirit offspring. -prevent is committing unpardonable
Advantages of dating - encourage meaningful conversation
Genuine interest in person, opening up to others and help them feel comfortable for them to open up, converse in wide range of topics, resolve conserns, keeper level
Advantages of dating - identify interaction patterns
Ppl different in private and when it groups, see how you treat others and how you are treated
Advantages of dating - commit
1. date only those with high standards and help maintain yours. 2. help each other maintain standards and protect each other's virtue 3. plan dating activities positive and inexpensive-get to know 4. do things help you and your companions maintain self-respect and remind close to spirit of Lord
5 guiding principles in dating
Vision - begin with end in mind - have clear purpose with eternal perspective. 2. time-important 3. agency - right place to find right people, date right and wisely, repent, develop self=reliance - (low0maintenance_, be good choice for others. 4 adversity - opposition in all things 5. atonement - look at savior for help and solutions
According to paul, satan wants us to fear because
Fear destroys faith, robs us of power, decreases capacity and willingness to love others, and makes it hard to think clearly and rationally