Real Estate Vocabulary Flashcards

Here are the flashcards quiz based on Real Estate Vocabulary 1 in the form of flashcards quizzes. These flashcards consist of everything related to Real Estate Vocabulary. These flashcard quizzes are simple and easy to attempt.

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Front Back
The increase in the market value of real estate.
The increase of the general price level of goods and services, or a decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar.
Are periodic, irregular up and down movements in economic activity that take place over a period of two to six years.
The 4 real estate cycles:
1. recovery 2. expansion 3. peak 4.contraction
Trade in a specified commodity.
Perfect Market
An Economic model in which the products are homogenous, there is complete information, and no buyers or sellers may influence the market.
The degree to which an asset can be readily converted into cash without affecting the asset's price. ex. stock market
Assumptions for a perfect market:
Large # of byers and sellers , perfect and complete info, freedom to enter or exit the market, homogeneous product, or available subtitutes, portable and mobile, no buyer or seller big enough to influence the market, minor Gov role in pricing.
Efficient Market
One with a large number of buyers and sellers in which easily produced goods and services are readily tranferable, and market prices adjust rapidly to reflect new information.
Organized Market
One in which participants operate under recognized rules for the purpose of buying and selling a particular commodity. EX ebay, stock ex
Imperfect Market
Doesn't meet requirements for perfect market.
Characteristics of a Real Estate Market. (Imperfect Market)
Limited # of buyers/sellers, Info not readily avail, unique product(nonHomogeneous), supply of land is limited, suppliers can't build new quick, RE is immobile and not portable, RE is local and segmented, Gov influences financing and property use
An assest can't be easily converted into cash
Federally related transaction
Any real estate transaction involving federal insurance or assistance
An economic system in which most of the economy's resources are privately owned and managed.