Real Estate Exam - Chapter 9: Legal Descriptions

Real Estate Exam - Chapter 9: Legal Descriptions

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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Three Basic Methods to describe Real Estate
1) Metes and Bounds
2) Rectangular (government) survey
3) Lot and Block (recorded plat)
1) Metes and Bounds
- Oldest
- Uses physical markers (tress / boulders) - called Monuments
- Starts (and ends) at POB (point of beginning)
- Often include 'more or less'
2) Rectangular (Government) Survey
- Grid formation
- uses Principle Meridians (N and S)
--> further division by Range Lines
- and Base Lines (E and W)
--> further division by Township Lines
- Square 16 = 'School section'
3) Lots and Blocks System (recorded plat)
- Uses lot and block numbers referred to in a 'plat map'
- Describes property in subdivisions, used by developers
Datum is:
Benchmark is:
Point or line from which elevations are measured
Brass markers / permanent reference points