Real Estate Exam - Chapter 4: Agency

Real Estate Exam - Chapter 4: Agency

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 195

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Agent is:
A person authorized to work on behalf of another
Agency is governed by:
Common Law:
Statutory Law:
Common Law: Rules of society established by tradition
Statutory Law: Laws, rules, regulations enacted by legislature etc
Creation of Agency
1) Express Agency
2) Implied Agency
1) Based on a formal agreement b/w parties (oral or written)
2) Based on actions of parties
---> Source of compensation does not determine agency


- Agent of an agent (uncommon)
- Principle = Client (buyer/seller/landlord/tenant)
- Nonrepresented consumer, some services received
- Facilitator etc. Assists transaction w/out representing (paperwork)
- the relationship where the agent held in position of special trust and confidence by principle
Agent relationship with Client vs Customer
- Works FOR the client, in their best interests at all times
---> Client has representation
- Works WITH the customer giving fair / honest info
---> Customer does not have representation
Agent has Fiduciary relationship with client - Duties and Laws
Obedience - good faith + compliance w/in law and ethics
Loyalty - above own interests and all others
Disclosure - all facts you know affecting a transaction + offers
Confidentiality -
Accounting - Immediate deposit etc, escrow, reporting
Reasonable Care and Diligence -
Termination of Agency:
- Completion
- Death or (mental) incapacity of either party
- Expiration of terms
- Mutual agreement
- Breach by either party
- By law i.e. bankruptcy of client
Types of Agency Relationships
Types of Agency Relationships
- i.e. property manager (general agent of owner) broker doesn't have such a scope
- similar to above, represents principle generally
- Realtors - Specific purpose, for a special occasion i.e. a sale
Designated Agency:
Can be either buyer or seller, but just one, only agent - allows in house sales
Single Agency:
- Only one or other party i.e. rules out in house sales usually
Exclusive Right-to-Sell / Buy
- Best kind, receive compensation no matter what
Exclusive Agency
- If seller finds buyer elsewhere, no obligation to compensate agent
Seller's Agent:
Buyer's Agent:
Dual Agency:
- Seller's agent
- Common after 80's MA law of agency disclosure
- Agent represents two principles in same transaction: must be informed and consent to it
Disclosure of Agency:
Mandatory agency disclosure laws in every state
- required to sign at first meeting saying you have agency, this is what it means etc.
Customer Level Services:
- honesty
- fair dealing
- disclosure of facts about property
- reasonable care