Real Estate Property and Law Flashcards

If you just started your class on all things real estate, this real estate property, and law flashcards are precisely what you need to ensure that you are up to date with what you have learned and the changes in the industry. Be sure to look at the cards up and feel free to share the links to them with your classmates. All the best in your studies!

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Land is -
Earth surface to core and upward to Infinity - includes permanent object such as trees, water.
--> Includes Air Rights, Surface and Subsurface Rights (and Water Rights) These can be sold seperately.
Real Estate is -
Land plus any Improvements. Any addition to land such as houses, man-made.
Real Property is -
Land & Real Estate & Bundle of Rights (of ownership)
Right of Possession
Right to Control
Right of Enjoyment
Right of Exclusion
Right of Disposition
Title to Real Property is:
Right to ownership of the land (bundle of rights)
Evidenced of ownership by a Deed - the actual document - by which a title is transferred.
Right or Privilege associated with real property i.e. parking spaces in mutli-unit (includes an easement / water rights)
Usually conveyed to new owner.
Personal Property - otherwise known as:
Chattels. All that is not real property, is moveable, consists of:
- Emblements
- Real prop that can become personal by Severance
- Personal prop that can become Real prop by Attachment / Annexation
- Manufactured homes (unless permanently affixed to land)
A Fixture is:
Personal Prop that has been affixed - becomes real property. i.e. Elevators, Plumbing, Light Fixtures, Kitchen Cabinets.
Legal test of Fixtures include (3 things)
- Method of Annexation (easily removeable?)
- Adaptation to Real Esate (considered permanent? i.e. match the fridge to cabinets)
- Agreement of parties
Trade Fixtures (Chattel Fixtures)
Attached, for use in business i.e. Pizza Oven (or fan or whatever)
- Personal prop if removed by tenant
- Real prop if left behind
Economic characteristics of Real Esate:
- Scarcity
- Improvements
- Permanence of Investment
- Location
Physical characteristics of Real Esate:
- Immobility
- Indestructibility
- Uniqueness - hetero / nonhomogeneity