Real Estate Exam Chapter 19 Land Use Controls & Prop Development Flashcards

Prepare for the Real Estate Exam Chapter 19 Land Use Controls & Prop Development in a brief manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. Learn the important terms, definitions, and much more briefly with these flashcards quizzes. Be prepared for the Real Estate Exam Chapter 19 and master this topic with ease and fun by attempting Flashcards quizzes.

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Police Power
States' inherant authority to make regulations needed to protect public safety / health / welfare
Comprehensive (master) Plan
What local Govmt uses to establish development goals i.e.
- Land use (public) / housing needs
- Regulates and controls how land is used
- Zoning powers given to municipal govmts via Enabling Acts
Zoning Ordinances
Local laws that implement the comprehensive plan and regulate / control use of land (details)
Inverse Condemnation
- 'Just compensation' must be provided for property taken for public use
- Can bring a case if property value severely diminished due to adjacent public property i.e. new airport
Zoning Permits (laws enforced through permits)
- Zoning hearing board: to hear petitions / testimony etc
- Nonconforming Use: before a zoning ordinance. If allowed to continue such use is is grandfathered into the new zoning
Conditional-Use Permit (special-use)
- Granted to allow special use (i.e. after new zoning enacted)
- Permission to use land for manner that is prohibited by zoning, unique circumstances
Building Codes
Certificate of Occupancy
- Must be met when erecting buildings, obtain building permit
- Issued by municipal inspector after completion of structure
- Subdividers
- Developers
1) Split up land into parcels
- must have land development plan
- draws a plat: detailed map w/ boundaries / sections etc
2) Construct improvements on the parcels (build stuff)
Street Patterns
- Gridiron
- Curvilinear
- Evolved from govmt survey
- Quiter, cul-de-sacs etc
Restrictive Covenants
- Set standards for parcels within a defined subdivision
- The deed conveying said parcel / lot may have a deed restriction
Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act:
Regulates interstate sale of unimproved lots
- Administered by HUD, must provide specific info about land
- Act provides for exemptions i.e. not apply to subdivisions with fewer than 25 lots