Random Bible Knowledge Questions A

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Ruth married again after her first husband died. Name her two husbands.
Mahlon and Boaz (Ruth 4: 10, 13)
Before he married Rachel, Jacob married her:
Leah (Genesis 29: 23-28)
This man dipped in the river seven times to be cured of his leprosy:
Naaman (2 Kings 5: 9-14)
This man lost his speech when he learned that he was to be a father:
Zacharias (Luke 1: 20)
This man and his wife lied about the sale of some property and immediately fell dead:
Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5: 1-10)
Who was Paul's travelling companion in his second missionary journey:
Silas (Acts 15: 40)
This apostle was led forth from prison by an angel:
Peter (Acts 12: 7-9)
This prophet preached about a valley of dry bones:
Ezekiel (Ezekiel 37: 1-2)
This person wished that he might die under a juniper tree:
Elijah ( 1 Kings 19: 4)
There are these many books of the minor prophets in the Bible:
The number of people in Noah's Ark:
Eight (genesis 7: 13)
The Apocalypse refers to this book:
This king threw three Hebrew boys into a fiery furnace:
Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 3: 19-20)
The three Hebrew boys who were thrown into a fiery furnace:
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego (Daniel 3: 20
He caught his head in an oak tree while fleeing from his father's army:
Absalom (2 Kings 18: 9)