Radar Principles Quiz 2

AWO1 exam  

71 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The resonant circuit at the output of an unbalanced crystal mixer serves which of the following purposes?
It eliminates unwanted signals
The requirements of a modulator switch are to (1) reach full conduction quickly (2) consume low power (3) start and stop conduciton suddenly and (4) conduct hight currents and handle high voltages. Which of the following tubes meets these requirements?
A thyratron
Indicator sweep voltage in a radar is normally initiated at which of the following times?
At the same time as the transmitter trigger
What channel in a monopulse receiver is used as the reference channel?
What is the purpose of introducing water vapor into a tr tube?
It decreases deionization time
In the input of the first video amplifier of a radar receiver, the differentiator circuit performs which of the following functions?
Using a frequency synthesizer instead of a heterodyning mixer as the frequency generating source for a power-amplifier transmilter is an advantage because the frequency synthesizer...?
Prodcues discrete frequencies over a wide band
An overdriven amplifier stage in a receiver may cause which of the following conditions?
What component in a receiver afc circuit produces and output voltage proportional in amplitude and polarity to any change in the intermediate frequency?
The discriminator
The primary function of the mti system is to display which of the following types of targets?
Moving targets only
For proper operation of the magnetron, the modulator pulse must have which of the following characteristics?
A flat top, a steep leading edge and a steep trailing edge.
Which of the following devices would be used a s a local oscillator in a radar receiver?
A reflex klystron
The lin-log amplifier provides a linear output voltage for what amplitude of input signal and a logarithmic ouput volutage for what amplitude of input signal?
Low and high
Which of the following magnetron characteristics can be caused by low magnetic field strengths?
Low power output, excessive plate current and incorrect operating frequency
In the mti system, what is the purpose of the coho lock pulse?
To synchronize the coho and transmitted frequency phase relationship