Quality, Quantity, and Distribution

Categorical prepositions

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Quality of a categorical proposition
The quality of a categorical proposition is either affirmative or negative depending on whether it affirms or denies class membership
Affirmative statements
All S are PSome S are P
Negative statements
No S are PSome S are not P
Quantity of a categorical proposition
The quantity of a categorical proposition is either universal or particular depending on whether the statement makes a claim about every member or just some member of the class denoted by the subject term
Universal statements
All S are PNo S are P*each assert something about every member of the S classALL and NO represent universal quality
Particular statements
Some S are PSome S are not P* asserts something about at least one or more members of the S classSOME implies particular quality
A Propositions
A- universal affirmative All S are P subject term is distributed predicate term is undistributed
*universal statements distribute their subject term
E Propositions
E- universal negative No S are P every member of S is separate from every member of P and every member of P separate from every member of S Both subject term and predicate term are distributed*universal statements distribute their subject term*negative statements distribute their predicate term
I Propositions
I- particular affirmative Some S are P makes claim about at least one member of S and P, but not allNeither subject term nor predicate term is distributed
O Propositions
O- particular negative Some S are NOT P does not make a claim about every member of SSubject term, while predicate term is separate and distinctSubject term is undistributed, predicate term is distributed*negative statements distribute their predicate term