Public Health Quiz 3

Quiz 3

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Front Back
Agencry for Healthcare Research and Quality, government agency that set guidelines for low back controversy- research showed that low back pain surgery was ineffective and wasting money, gov and doctors were angry and budget was cut substantially
Field of Dreams effect
The presence of a greater number of hospitals in an area will lead to more hospitilizations, the greater number of surgeons in an area will lead to more surgeries
Health Maintenance Organization, most stringent form of managed care, has a financial incentive to maintain health of its members, acts as both insurer and provider, provides all medical care an individual needs for a fixed monthly payment, hire their own medical staff- have no incentive to provide care when not necessary
Job Lock
The inability of an employee to freely leave a job because doing so will result in the lost of employee benefits (usually health benefits)
Leading health indicators
Smaller set of Healthy People 2020 objectives, selected to communicate high-priority health issues and actions that can be taken to address them
Medical care epidemiology
Study of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions and defined populations
Outcomes research
Epidemiologic study of medical care, examines health effects of exposure to medical interventions, collects and analyzes data generated by the everyday practice of medicine in order to reach conclusions on benefits and risks of various interventions for various types of patients
Preferred provider organizations, patients are required to seek care from participating providers who have agreed to provide services at lower rates- patients not allowed to seek a specialist without a referral from primary care physician, limits access to expensive care
RAND Health Insurance Experiment
Investigated the effects of different methods of paying for care, on the use of care, and on health outcomes, showed that higher copayments discouraged patients from seeking care, free care group used services costing 50% more but there was no effect found on health status
Small-area analysis
Analysis of variations in the rates for surgical procedures from one community to another
Ecological study
Epedimiological study in which the unit of analysis is a population rather than an individual
Referent group
Group to which an individual or another group is compared
Cluster investigation
Review of an unusual number- real or perceived- of health events grouped together in time and location (ex: reports of cancer)
Case-crossover study
Compair exposure status of a case immediately before health outcome to exposure status of a case at a prior time- events should occur more frequently immediately before outcome- used for individual exposures over time for outcomes that occur abbruptly (heart attack, not cancer)
Standardized morbidity ratio
Ratio between observed number of cases of disease in a study population and the number of deaths that would be expected based on the sex-specific rates in a standard population and the age and sex distribution of a population