Public Health Quiz 2

Quiz 2

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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Environmental Health
Environmental Health
Environmental pollutants originating from human activity
Biological gradient
Greater exposure should lead to greater incidence of the effect, presence of the factor can trigger the effect, or greater exposure leads to lower incidence
Biological plausibility
Proposal that may explain a cause and effect relationship
Carrying capacity
Maximum population size of a species that the environment can sustain indefinitely
Conformity in the application of something
Environmental risk transition
Decline of the dangers of the home (poor sanitation) over the course of history, rise of the dangers of the community (urban pollution) and global dangers (greenhouse gas emissions)
System that regulates internal environment, maintains a stable, relitively constant condition of temp and pH
Persitent organic pollutants
Resistant to environmental degredation, these compounds can be carried worldwide by air, water, and migratory species of animals
Specificity of effect
Quity or state of being specific
Strength of association
Magnitude or size of a relative risk
Biological pathogen pollution
Introduction of a pathogen to a new host (diseases used in biological warfare)
Disability adjusted life years (DALY)
Measure of overall disease burden, expressed as number of years lost to ill-health, disability or early death
Infectious diseases of poverty (IDP)
Contaminated water supply, inadequate sanitation, poor nutrition, improper health care= malaria, intestinal parasites, tuberculosis, AIDS, dental decay
Proxy indicators
Variables used to stand in for one that is difficult to measure directly