Public Health Chapter 3

Health Informatics and Health Communications

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

Cards In This Set

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Health informatics
Deals with the methods for collecting, compiling, and presenting health information
Health communications
Deals with how we perceive information, combine information, and use information to make descisions
Components of health informatics
Collecting data, compiling information, and presenting information
Components of health communications
Presenting information, perceiving information, combining information, and decision making
Public health surveillance
Variety of methods used to collect public health data
Combining data from different sources to create integrated health data systems
Single case or small series
Case reports of one or a small number of cases that alert to a new disease or resistant disease; ex. case reports of one incidence of SARS
Vital statistics and reportable disease
Required by law and births and deaths key to defining leading causes or disease; reportable disease may be helpful in identifying changes over time
Surveys that help to draw conclusions about overall population and subgroups from representative samples
Sentinel monitoring
Provides early warnings or warning of previously unrecognized events; ex. influenza monitoring
Self reporting
Reports of effects by those affected; may help identify unrecognized or unusual events; ex. report of drug side effects
Syndromic surveillance
Use of symptom patterns to raise alert of possible new or increased disease; may be able to detect unexpected and subtle changes, such as bioterrorism or new epidemic producing commonly occurring symptoms
Population health status measures
Measurements that summarize the health of populations
Infant mortality rate
One of 2 measurements used to summarize population health status. Estimates the rate of death in the first year of life
Life expectancy
One of 2 measurements used to summarize population health status. probability of dying at each year of life