Public Health Chapter 2

Evidence Based Public Health

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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PERI process
Framework for defining, analyzing, and addressing a wide range of public health issues
PERI acronym
Problem: what is the health problem?
Etiology: what are the contributary causes?
Recommendations: what works to reduce the health impacts?implementation: how can we get the job done?
Burden of disease
The occurrence of disability and death due to a disease
Distribution of disease
How the disease is spread out or distributed in a population
Group associations
Patterns or associations in the frequency of disease that may suggest ideas or hypotheses about the etiology of disease
Risk markers
Factors that occur more frequently among groups with the disease than among groups without the disease
Implies that the apparent association is actually the result of the data collection process
Incidence rates
Measure the chances of developing a disease over a period of time. = # new cases of disease a year/ # of people in the at risk population
Case fatality
Relationship b/t incidence rate and mortality rate that estimates chances of dying from the disease
Prevalence rates
Numver of individuals who have a disease at a particular time divided by the number of individuals who could potentially have the disease = # living w/ a particular disease/ # in the at risk population
Age adjustment
Epidemiologist look at the rates of disease in each age group then adjust for the age distribution of the population
Age distribution
Number of people in each age group
Population comparisons
Investigations that use info on groups or population without having information on the specific individuals within the group
Confounding variable
A difference in the groups being compared that makes a difference in the outcome being measured