Public Health Chapter 1

Public Health: The Population Health Approach

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Population health approach
Big picture perspective that takes into account the full range of factors that affect health and considers their interactions
James Lind
British naval commander who demonstrated that citrus could prevent and treat scruvy
Edward Jenner
Developed the smallpox vaccine from cowpox
John Snow
Shut down water pump to control cholera epidemic in the 1850s
Helped to control puerperal fever through handwashing in 1850s
Argued that specific pathological conditions or disease should be the basis for cause of death
Argued that underlying factors should be seen as causes of death
Health protection (antiquity --1830s)
Authority based control of individual and community behaviors
Health protection (antiquity --1830s)
Religions and cultural practices and prohibited behaviors
Health protection (antiquity --1830s)
Quarantine for epidemics; sexual prohibitions to reduce disease transmission; dietary restrictions to reduce food-borne disease
Hygiene movement (1840s-1870s)
Sanitary conditions as basis for improved health
Hygiene movement (1840s--1870s)
Environmental action on a community wide basis distinct from health care
Hygiene movement (1840s--1870s)
Snow on cholera; semmelweis on puerperal ever; collection of vital statistics as empirical foundation for public health and epidemiology
Contagion Control (1880s--1940s)
Germ theory: demonstration of infectious origins of disease
Contagion control (1880s--1940s)
Communicable disease control through environmental control, vaccination, sanatoriums, and outbreak investigation in general population