246 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Thoracodorsal Nerve
muscle innervations
Latissimus dorsi
Dorsal Scapular Nerve
muscle innervations
Levator Scapulae
Long Thoracic Nerve
mucle innervations

Serratus Anterior
Axillary Nerve
muscle innervations
Teres Minor
Vital Capacity
Maximum expelled air after maximum inhalation
What is the function of an arterial line?
For constant monitoring of blood pressure and to obtain arterial blood gas (ABG) samples
Deep Peroneal Nerve
Muscle innervations
Tibialis Anterior (inversion & dorsiflexion)
Extensor Digitorum Longus/Brevis
Extensor hallucis longus
Deep Peroneal Nerve vs Superficial Peroneal Nerve
muscle innvervations
Deep = tibialis anterior/ Digitorum & Hallucis Extensors
Superficial = peroneals (longus & brevis)
Tibial Nerve
muscle innervations
Tibialis Posterior
Flexor hallucis/digitorum longus
Muscles of forced exhalation
Internal intercostals
Muscles of inhalation
External intercostals
Damage to which Spinal nerve is associated with loss of breathing
Cushing's Syndrome vs Graves Disease
Graves Disease = thyroid hypersecretion
heat intolerance, weight loss, nervousness, tremors

Cushing's Syndrome = adrenal dysfunction (excessive cortisol) moon shaped face or buffalo hump
What is maceration?
Excessive moisture leads to softening of connective tissue
Chronic respiratory alkalosis
Analyses of blood gases will show:
High arterial blood pH level (abnormal loss of acids)
Low PaCO2 (increase in bicarbonate accumulation)

Slowed breathing
Continuous vomitting