Psychology Test Two

These are notecards for a psychology test. There are 183 cards.

183 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The branch of psychology that only looks at observable behavior (no thinking, feeling) only real actions is called?
The relatively permanent change in behavior or mental processes resulting in practice or experience is called?
Another name for learning using assosciations between enviromental stimuli and behavioral responses
_________ invented classical conditioning with his experiments with dog's saliva.
Ivan Pavlov
Classical conditioning is learning that occurs when a(n)_____stimulus becomes paired/associated with a a ________ stimulus is called a __________.
Neutral; unconditioned;conditioned
(T/F) Before conditioning a NS doesn't elicit a response of interest.
7. A learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus occurring because of a previous pairing with an unconditioned stimulus is called __________response.
______________ B. _______________________ is the founder of Behaviorism.
John B. Watson
In the ‘Little Albert’ exp. they put a white rat (NS) w. a loud noise (UCS) in order to elicit a ____of fear from a baby.
Conditioned emotional response
( T / F ) Operant conditioning is the most fundamental way that all animals, including humans, learn most new responses, emotions, and attitudes.
False-this is true of classical conditioning
Little Albert was also afraid of a white rabbit and a Santa Claus mask is an example of _______ where the response is the same to a similar stimulus.
Stimulus generalization
Later on, Little Albert lost his fear of Santa Claus because he realized the difference between rats and a beard, this is an example of ?
Stimulus discrimination
The reappearance of a previously extinguished conditioned response is called _______________________ ____________________
Spontaneous recovery
UC is withheld from a CS this leads to a gradual weakening or suppression of a previously conditioned response, this process is called?
Higher-Order conditioning is when a(n) ______stimulus becomes a(n) _____stimulus through repeated pairing with a previously conditioned stimulus
Neutral; conditioned