Psychology Exam Two

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A coiled- up thread of DNA
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
A large molecule that contains genes
Small segments of DNA that contain information producing proteins
All of the genetic information in DNA
Different forms of a gene
Dominant genes
Genes that show their effect even if there is only one allele for that trait in the pair
Recessive genes
Genes that show their effects only when both alleles are the same
Behavioral genetics
The scientific study of the role of hereditary in behavior
Monogenic transmission
The hereditary passing on of traits determined by a single gene
Polygenic transmission
The process by which many genes interact to create a single characteristic
Twin studies
Research into hereditary influence comparing pairs of fraternal and identical twins
The extent to which a characteristic is influenced by genetics
Fraternal twins
Twins that develop from two different eggs fertilized by two different sperm
Identical twins
Twins that develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two independent cells
Twin- adoption studies
Research into hereditary influence on twins, both identical and fraternal, who were raised apart (adopted) and who were raised together