Answer the Following General Psychology Flashcards

​Study and attempt the general psychology questions with our quiz-based flashcards. Attempt this set of flashcards which are simple and easy and learn about the general psychology questions with us. Do go through them and get to see just how much you might learn in the process.   

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

Cards In This Set

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In the definition of psychology, the term mental processes, refers to?
Internal, covert processes
The goals of psychology are to ..............
Describe, explain, predict, and control behavior.
The question "what is happening?" refers to which of the following goals in psychology?
The question "why is it happening?" refers to the which of the following goals of psychology?
The question "when will it happen again?" refers to which of the following goals of psychology?
The question "how can it be changed?" refers to which of the following goals in psychology?
In 1879, in Leipzig , Germany, the first psychological laboratory was developed by?
Wilhelm Wundt
The school of psychology called structuralism used a technique called ......... , which involved reporting the contents of consciousness to study a person's experiences.
Why was the perspectived followed by Wilhelp Wundt and his followers called structuralism?
Their primary focus was on describing the structure on concious experience.
Participants in research early in psychology's history might have been asked to view a chair and describe its color, shape, and texture and other aspectsof their conscious experience. These individuals would have been using a method called .......... ?
Who was an early psychologist believed that "the whole is more that the sum of parts"?
Who was an early proponent of functionalism?
William James
While on a visit to a large city, you observe several billboards in which a series of lights seems to move. Which perspective in psychology would most likely help you understand this phenomenon?
Freud stressed the importance of .................. .
Early childhood experiences
What advice might John B. Watson have offered to psychologists of his time?
"Focus on observable behavior"