Psychology Adulthood and Aging


39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Study of Aging
4 key features of the life span perspective
Multi Directional, plasticity, Historical context, multiple causation.
Multi Directional
Always gaining and losing
Abilites are changeable (may have limits)
Historical context
Time and place where we grow up
Mulitple causation
Influenced by 4 fources working together
4 forces of development
Biological forces, psychology forces, sociocultural, life cycle forces
Biological forces
Genes, physical, biological
Psychology forces
Personality and temperment
Sociocultural forces
Race, sex, country of origin, goverment of time.
Life cycle forces
Events have a different impact.
Normative age
Things that happen to everyone (puberty)
Normative History:
Examples Great Depression, September 11th
Examples car accidents, death
Primary Aging
Inevitable aging and disease free