Psychology 1513 TakeHome Test 2

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Electrically charged particale of which two elements are crucial in the transmission of the nerve impulse
Sodium and potassium
The word salutatory comes from the Latin word saltare which means
Hop or leap
List of neurotransmitters?
Acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, gaba, histamine, endorphins
Everytime you learn something you are reshaping your living brain, a process known as
Self directed neuroplasticity
Most nerve cell fibers outside the brain and spinal cord are wrapped by a thin layer of cells that aid in the repair of neurons this thin layer of cells is called
What is the highes functioning and largest brain area found in humans
The right side of the brain is especially adapted for handling percepual skills such as drawing a picture or recogninzing melodies, while the left side of the brain is especially adapted for the production and understanding of speech. this is known as
Hemisphereic specialization
An arch of tissue called the primary motor area directs the body's muscles and is located at the rear of which lobes of the brain?
Frontal lobe
The center for the production of speech in 95 percent of all people is located what association area
Left temporal association area
Persons with damage tot he somatosensory area in the parietal lobes will
Lose the feeling of touch in specific area of the body
What lobe is stimulated if you "hear" sounds
Damage to wernicke's area causes great diffuiculty in
Understanding the meaning of words
The three main areas of the subcortex are the
Brainstem, midbrain, adn the lower parts of the forebrain
What part of the forebrain is basically a crossroads that connects many areas of the brain and is the last place where many behaviors are organized or decided on before messages leave the brain?
What part of the limbic system causes this fear response that someone does not understand?