What is Psychotheraphy Flashcards

Treatment of Psychological Disorders

60 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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refers to all the diverse approaches used in the treatment of mental disorders and psychological problems. Professional treatment by someone with special training
Who created modern psychology:
Sigmund Freud
3 Types of psychological treatment:
1-Insight Therapy2-Behaviour Therapy3-Biomedical Therapies
Insight Therapies:
‘talking therapy’ in traditional of Freud’s psychoanalysis. Clients engage in verbal interactions with the therapist. The goal is to increase insight of the client’s difficulties and sort through solutions. Can be conducted with an individual or a group (family therapy, marital therapy)-involve verbal interactions intended to enhance clients self-knowledge and thus promote healthful changes in personality and behaviour
Behaviour Therapies:
based on the principle of learning. Therapists make direct efforts to alter problematic responses (phobias) and maladaptive habits (drug use). Work on changing clients overt behaviors, using different procedures for different problems. Most use classical conditioning, operant conditioning, or observational conditioning.
Biomedical Therapies:
involve interventions into a persons biological functioning. Procedures include drug therapy and electroconvulsive therapy
Who seeks Therapy?
-wide range of clients, most common excessive anxiety and depression -people often delay seeking treatment -only ½ the people who use these services actually have a mental disorder
Who provides professional treatment?
Types of Psychologists: Explain
Clinical Psychologist: emphasizes the treatment of full fledged disorders Counselling Psychologist: treatment of everyday adjustment problems
-overlap in training, skills, and clientele -must earn doctoral degree, 5-7 year beyond bachelors degree -1 yr internship, 1-2 yrs of postdoctoral training -18,000 registered psychologists in Canada -use insight or behavioral approaches, may conduct research
-physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders -more time to sever disorders -medical assistance for psychological difficulties, M.D. Degree -4 yr graduate school, 4 yr apprenticeship in residency -emphasize drug therapy, more likely to use psychoanalysis
Other mental health professionals:
-clinical social workers (master’s degree) work with families, community -psychiatric nurses (bachelor/master) inpatient treatment -Counselors (masters) work in schools, human service agencies, specialization -clinician, therapist, provider
-insight therapy that emphasizes the recovery of unconscious conflicts, motives, and defenses through techniques such as free association and transference -Sigmund Freud -neuroses: anxiety dominated disturbances (1900’s) -believed that these were caused by unconscious conflicts from early childhood. People depend on defenses mechanisms which lead to self defeating behavior.
Probing the Unconscious: Free Associations:
· clients spontaneously express their thoughts and feelings exactly as they occur with as little censorship as possible. Anything that comes out of their mind, look for clues about what is going on in client’s unconscious
Probing the Unconscious: Dream Analysis:
the therapist interprets the symbolic meaning of the client’s dreams.
Probing the Unconscious: Interpretations:
· The therapist’s attempts to explain the inner significance of the client’s thoughts, feelings, memories and behaviors.