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the unique and relatively stable ways in which people think, feel, and behave
Value judgments of a person’s moral and ethical behavior
The enduring characteristics which with each person is born
4 perspectives
1.Psychodynamic perspective- Sigmund Freud, role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality
2.Behaviorist perspective- effect of the environment on behavior.
3.Humanistic perspective- the role of each person’s conscious life experiences and choices in personality development
4.Trait perspective- Concerned with the end result (characteristics themselves)
Neu Freudians
Followers of freud who created their own competing theories of psychoanylsis
Psychdynamic theorists
Jung-viewed the sexual instinct as just one of many important instincts. Jung also believed in a unifying force of personality (the “Self”) that gives direction and purpose to human behavior. Believed in a capacity for self-awareness and self-direction
Adler-people are motivated by inferiority complex, leads to drive for superiority
Horney- She believed that interpersonal relationships were more influential in childhood development than sexual impulses. She put forth the notion that genuine and consistent love can alleviate the effects of a traumatic childhood.
The Big Five:OCEAN
Opennes- willingness to try new things and be open to new experiences
conscientiousness- the care a person gives to organization and thoughtfulness of others
ectraversion-referring to ones's needs to be with other people
agreeableness- emotional style of a person that may range from easygoing, friendly, and likeable to grumpy, crabby, and unpleasant
Behaviorial genetics
Field of study devoted to discovering the gentic bases for personality characteristics
Halo effect
Tendency of an intervewer to allow positive characteristics of a client to influence the assesments of the client't behavior and statments
Method of personality assesssment in which the professional asks questions of the client and allows the client to answer
Test for abnormal behaviro patterns