Psychological Disorders Chapter 13 (8)

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Is a behavior considered abnormal or normal in one culture,a s compared to another culture?
What form of testing is most widely used in diagnosing psychological disorders in North America?
What was known as one of the "cures" in order to allow the evil spirits to escape.
Drill a hole in the scull.
What percentage of those who soffer from psychological disorders, get better then worse, without professional help.
25% do not get any worse, significantly get better.
Anxiety disorders are characterized by by anxiety & avoidance behavior. Name a few ( for test pruposes only). ( PD,P,SP,OCD)
Panice Disorders Phobias Socoial Phobia Obessive Compulisve Disorders
GAD is also known as? What does this do?
Generalized Anxiety Disorder-- which includes excessive worry & anxiety over many areas of life.
What is SOMATOFORM Disorders? Name 1.
Physical symptoms are present in psychological in origin, rather then caused by a medical condition. Hypochondriasos
What is a Dissociative disorder? (DID)
In which one handles stress or conflict by forgetting important information.
What is Dissociative Amnesia?
Where one may never remember the events that occurred during the stressor, that brought on the amnesia or fatigue.
What is Schizophrenia?
Begins in adolescence or early childhood, but can appear later in life.
What is Schizophrenia characterized by?
Psychotic symptoms, hallucinations, delusions, grossly disorganized affect, & inappropriate affect.
Schizophrenia has 4 types. Name them.
1. Disorganized type 2. Paranoid Type. ( delusions or persecution) 3. Catatonic Type. 4. Undifferentiated Type.
1 person in 100, Schozophrenia is the most serious of the psychological disorders. Why is this?
The socia disruption & misery irt brings to those who suffer it, and thier families.
What drugs relieve symptoms of those, and how is this caused?
Antipsychotic Drugs reliev by blocking action of dopamine.
Mood disorders are?
Characterized by periods of extreme or prolonged depression or mania.