Define These Psychology Medical Terms Flashcards

Chapter 22, Psychiatry Vocabulary, Language of Medicine, 8th Edition

66 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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External expression of emotion, or emotional response.
Loss of memory.
Anorexia nervosa
Eating disorder with excessive dieting and refusal to maintain a normal body weight.
Anxiety disorders
Characterized by unpleasant tension, distress, and avoidance behavior; examples are phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Absence of emotions; lack of interest or emotional involvement.
Autistic thought
Thinking is internally stimulated and ideas have a private meaning; fantasy thought of as reality.
Bipolar disorder
Mood disorder with alternating periods of mania and drepression.
Bulimia nervosa
Eating disorder with binge eating followed by vomiting, purging and depression.
Active substance in marijuana; THC
Uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly.
Conversion disorder
Condition marked by physical symptoms with no organic basis, appearing as a result of anxiety and unconscious inner conflict.
Defense mechanism
Unconscious technique (coping mechanism) a person uses to resolve or conceal conflicts and anxiety. It protects the individual against anxiety and stress; examples are acting out and denial.
Confusion in thinking; faulty perceptions and irrational behaviour.
Fixed, false belief that cannot be changed by logical reasoning or evidence.
Loss of intellectual abiities with impairment of memory, judgement and reasoning as well as changes in personality.