Psych Test 1

Preparation for history of conceptual psychology text one. Psych 210. 

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Way that historical data can be distorted?
1. Lost2. Suppressed3. Translation4. Self serving
What ways do data in history differ from data of science?
- Historical data cannot be replicated or reconstructed- data science compare true experiments to archival research- bias in evaluation (history)-evaluate validity of data fragments
Why is psychology unique among the sciences?
Only science that learning about the history of the field is mandatory.- young science (case studies still relevant)- being a literate psychologist, past is short
When did psychology officially begin?
-Late 19th century- 1879
Psychology is the product of the union of?
Physiology and philosophy
How will the history of psychology be recounted?
By developing schools of thought that have defined the field throughout the years. -developing sequence of approaches
What is a school of thought?
-group of psychologists associated ideologically, maybe geographically, with a leader of movement -typically share the same theoretical orientation and investigate similar problems -movement driven by contextual forces
What can we learn from studying the history of psychology?
- modern psych is marked by diversity-common denominator is history-most systemic way to integrate areas and issues that constitute modern psychology-recognize relationships among their ideas, theories, and research efforts
What contextual forces have influenced psychology?
1. Economic opportunity2. War3. Discrimination4. Zeitgeist
Personalistic: -achievements and contributions of specific individuals -will and charisma of unique person directs history- "the person makes the times"
Naturalistic: - Zeitgeist directs history (intellectual climate)- makes culture receptive to some ideas, but not others - "the times make the person"- supported by simultaneous discoveries
- view that all natural processes can be understood in the terms of machines - assumes all natural processes can be described by psychics and chemistry - originated in psychics (natural philosophy) -universe assumed to be like a clock- Zeitgeist of 17th - 19th centuries was intellectual climate that nourished new psychology- Decartes applied machine metaphor to humans
How did Descartes view mind-body issue?
- Bi-directional - mind influences body and body influences mind- Mind only able of thought - body is a machine
Previously accepted view of mind-body issue?(BEFORE DESCARTES)
- Uni- directional- Mind influences body-mind is responsible for many functions
How did descartes explain the functioning and interaction of the human body and mind?
BODY: - composed of psychical matter, applies to laws of psychics and mechanics- assigned greater importanceMIND:- nonmaterial, lacking psychical substance-has single function: thought