Psych Midterm Sensation and Perception

Chapter 4 of psych 10

61 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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What is Psychophysics
Study of relationship between physical properties of stimuli and psychological responses
What is transduction?
Process of converting external energy into neural activity at sensory receptor, such as in the retina
What is a sense receptor?
Specialized cell for converting the external stimuli into neural activity for a specific sensory system
What is the absolute threshold?
The lowest level of a stimulus we can detect on a 50% basis on its own
What is the Just Noticeable Difference (JND)?
The smallest change in the intensity of a stimulus we can detect
What is the signal detection theory?
Has signal to noise ratio, harder to detect signal when background noise increases
What are the Basic Neural Coding Mechanisms?
Transduction, sensory coding, and adaptation
What are the two types of sensory coding?
1. Temporal coding ( firing pattern; usually signals intensity) 2. Anatomical coding (coded by specific receptor; quality of stimulus)
What is adaptation?
Many neurons are most responsive to change in level of stimulus
What are the 6 parts of the eye?
Lens, pupil, retina, optic nerve, fovea, blind spot
What is the lens?
Focuses near and far (accommodation)
What is the pupil?
Dilation and constriction
What is the retina?
What is the optic nerve?
Takes visual information to the brain
What is the fovea?
Most sensitive part of retina, acuity, or sharpness of vision