Psych Exam 2


50 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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As players on a social stage, we may wish to emphasize some personal aspect to others, as well as to ourselves. This is called:
B. Self-promotion
____ involves using praise of important others as a way to encourage them to like us and approve us.
A. Ingratiation
The rejection of in-group members who threaten the positive image of the group is known as _____.
A. The black sleep effect
We tend to make _____ attributions for our own behaviors, but ______ attributions for others behaviors.
C. Situational; dispositional
When we think of ourselves as members of a specific social group, we are thinking of
D. Social identify
Chris describes himself as liberal when thinking of himself as an American, but conservative when compared to other college students. These are _____ comparisons.
A. Intragroup
The belief that we can achieve a particular goal through our own actions is known as
B. Self-efficacy
Self-esteem refers to the
A. Positive or negative evaluation of the self by oneself
Gender differences in self-esteem begin to emerge during
B. Puberty
When we compare ourselves to others that are more capable, we are engaged in a(n)
C. Upward social comparison
The self-evaluation maintenance model suggests that we will _____ others who outperform us in an important area.
D. Distance ourselves from
The above average effect is
D. Thinking that we are above average on most social traits
As one of a number of ______, people are quite willing to avoid responsibility for their failures, but all too willing to accept credit for their successes,
A. Self-serving bias
_____ occurs when an individual thinks that she or he may be judged in light of a negative stereotype about his or her social identity.
D. Stereotype threat
Attitudes are ______.
Our evaluation of different aspects of the social world