Psych Exam 1

This is stupid that I have to do a description. I just want to study.

90 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Long strands of DNA; contain instructions for the development of a unique human being.
What is DNA
The complex protein code of genetic info; DNA directs the form and function of each cell in the body as it develops
Define Ecological Perspective.
The multilayered relationships between human beings and their social environment.
ecology refers to the interconnected network of immediate and broader social and cultural settings in which individuals develop.
This means that you cant understand development fully without looking at the context in which it occurs.
This broke down the barriers between all scientists and allowed the study of development use all sciences.
Micro context is local, small settings or environments like family, school, neighborhood play area-immediate environments to the child.
The network of connections between the environments; linkages between the micro-systems.
The contexts in which a child does not directly participate like parents place of employment or community resources or extended family.
The overarching cultural context in which development takes place; cultural, historical and economic.
Primary question of developmental psych
What traits are relatively stable over the course of human development?
Five characteristics of the life-span perspective
Multidirectional, multicontextual, multicultural, multidisciplinary and plasticity.
Nonlinear process; every aspect of life is multidirectional meaning it can change and go in an opposite direction quickly like physical health, intellectual growth and social interactions; up, down, stable or erratic.
Three process that go with multi-directional
Butterfly effect, opposite idea and dynamic systems
Dynamic systems
Process of continual change within a person in which each change is connected systematically to every other development in each individual.
Butterfly effect
One small action can set off a series of changes cummulating in a major event.
Opposite idea
One large action or even sets off a lot of small things or nothing at all; correlated constraints and canalization.
Humans develop in different contexts that influence their development; focuses on three main facets.