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Dependable, repeatable results
Methods for Estimating a tests Reliability
1. Test-Retest Method
2. Parallel/Alternate Forms Method
Explain Test-Retest Method
A. Evaluates temporal stability
Advantages & Disadvantages of Test-Retest Method
C. Advantage
Explain Parallel/Alternate Forms Method
A. Similar to test/re-test, but form of test changes to an alternate form but still measures the same stuff in content.
b. Compare Correlation between test A & B.
c. High Correlation = Related
Define Internal Consistency
Extent to which items are interrelated in the cumulative. Do items
Tests for measuring internal consistency
1. Split-Half Reliability
2. Coefficient Alpha (Cronbach) α or jesus fish
How to do split half reliability
A. Divide test if half and score both parts, do they correlate.
b. Odd/Even Method
Advantages & Disadvantages of Split-Half Reliability
C. Advantages
Define Coefficient Alpha (Cronbach) α or
A. Better measure than split half.
b. Measures internal reliability
c. Has all advantages as split half
d. Depends on
i. Average intercorrelation of items should be high, higher average intercorrelation = higher α
ii. Number of items 0
Errors of Measurement
Unwanted variability
Classical Test Theory (True Score Theory)
Observed Score
Standard Error of Measurement (SEM)
SEM is standard deviation of observed scores
Exresses the expected error or margin of error
SEM to get 95% score
To get 95% score calc SEM * 1.96 & calc range
Item Reliability Defined
Used to build reliabilty into the test